Workshop on
Applications of Commutative Algebra

3-6 April 2002

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce that an international workshop will take place this coming April at the Department of Mathematics in Catania (MapQuest).


  • Computer Algebra Systems
  • Numeric-symbolic computations
  • Vision, modelling, CAD-CAM
  • Other applications (cryptography, error correcting codes, integer programming, statistics, D-modules)
  • ...

Scientific Committee

Local Organizers

  • Giuseppa Carrà-Ferro
  • Valentina Marotta
  • Rosario Strano


There is space for a limited number of short communications and a poster session and we would like to encourage potential speakers to submit abstracts for consideration. (A 1/2 to 1 page abstract would be ideal.) These may be submitted by e-mail to the scientific committee.

Schedule and Abtracts(catania02.abs.dvi)


There will be a registration fee of 60 EUR. The banquet (Thursday, h 20:30) will cost 25 EUR. The fee and banquet cost are payable the first day of the conference and payment can be accepted only in cash.

The registration cost covers: coffee breaks, lunches, bus to and from the hotels.

If you intend to participate to the workshop, please write to


The workshop will begin at 9am on Wednesday April 3 and will end at 1pm on Saturday April 6.

Jolly Hotel*** [single 88 EUR, double 118 EUR per night].

How to reach the JOLLY HOTEL.

Suggested Restaurants.

Other suggested Hotels.

Public transport.

Map of Catania.