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CoCoA System Computations in Commutative Algebra
CoCoA Tutorials and Talks
This is a very informal page which collects some tutorials and projects.
We hope that this will be useful for CoCoA beginners, Computer Algebra students and lecturers.
If you would like to add to this list, please write to Anna Bigatti (bigattiaatadima.unige.it)
CoCoA & CoCoALib
- CoCoA+CoCoALib Mini-course 2021 (Kassel+online)
- Lecture 1 -- John Abbott: 2021-10-L1a-intro.cocoa5, 2021-10-L1b-fibonacci.cocoa5, 2021-10-L1c-euclid.cocoa5 video: 1a 1b 1c
- Lecture 2 -- Anna M. Bigatti: 2021-10-L2AB-DivisionAlgorithm.cocoa5, video: 2a 2b
- Lecture 3 -- John Abbott: 2021-10-L3a-PolyRing.cocoa5, 2021-10-L3b-programming.txt, 2021-10-L3c-debugging.cocoa5, 2021-10-L3d-INT-RAT.cocoa5 video: 3a 3bc
- Lecture 4 -- Anna M. Bigatti: 2021-10-L4A-BuchbergerAlgorithm.cocoa5, 2021-10-L4B-SystemSolving.cocoa5 video: 4a 4b
- Lecture 5 -- John Abbott: 2021-10-L5-Intro-C++-CoCoALib.pdf, 2021-10-L5a-compiling.cocoa5, 2021-10-L5b-Converting-CoCoA5-code.cocoa5 video: 5a 5b
- Lecture 6 -- Anna M. Bigatti: 2021-10-L6-CoCoALibGB.pdf , ex-MyGBasis.C, video: 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f
- Lecture 7 -- Anna M. Bigatti: Translation table, documentation, examples video: 7a 7b 7c 7d
- Lecture 8 -- John Abbott: Adding CoCoALib function to CoCoA-5 video: 8a 8b 8c
- CoCoALib Mini-course 2017 (Kassel)
- John Abbott: Basics of C++ and CoCoAlib programming
John Abbott: CoCoALib types and a challenging exercise
Anna M. Bigatti: "My little project with CoCoALib", ex-PrimaryDecomposition0Dim.C, ex-IsPrimary0dim.C
- Computer Algebra course 2024, Genova (10h)
- Anna M. Bigatti CoCoA files in English -- videos in Italian:
1a-24-OperationsOnIdeals.cocoa5 -- video
1b-24-TermOrderings.cocoa5 -- video
2a-24-DivisionAlgorithm.cocoa5 -- video
2b-24-Buchberger.cocoa5 -- video
3-24-elimination.cocoa5 -- video1 -- video2
- Hokkaido Summer Institute,
Hyperplane arrangements and computations with CoCoA (Sapporo, Japan, August 2018)
- John Abbott:
Anna M. Bigatti: Bigatti1.pdf, Bigatti1.cocoa5, Bigatti2.pdf, Bigatti2.cocoa5, Bigatti3.pdf, Bigatti3.cocoa5, Bigatti4.pdf, Bigatti4.cocoa5
Elisa Palezzato: TutHokkaido2.cocoa5, TutHokkaido5.cocoa5
Michele Torielli: TutHokkaido4.cocoa5, TutHokkaido5.cocoa5
- Commutative Algebra Seminars in Genova (June 2017)
- Anna M. Bigatti: CoCoA: what's new (from year N) (cocoa5)
- AAA -- Algebraic Algorithms and Applications (Pisa, April 2017)
- Anna M. Bigatti: A brief history of Gr\"obner Bases (with CoCoA) (cocoa5) (pdf for pre-viewing)
- ICMS 2016 (Berlin)
- John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti:
poster (pdf)
Tutorial (pdf), A brief overview of CoCoA-5 on the topic "Groebner Bases" (cocoa5)
New, Practical Algorithms for Implicitization of Hypersurfaces (pdf), Fault Tolerant Rational Reconstruction (pdf)
- COCOA School 2016 (IIT Gandhinagar)
- Course: Computational Commutative and Linear Algebra
Lorenzo Robbiano: Robbiano2016.pdf
Anna M. Bigatti: Tutorials tut-CoCoLA1.cocoa5, tut-CoCoLA2.cocoa5, tut-CoCoLA3.cocoa5, tut-CoCoLA4.cocoa5
- Current Trends on Groebner Bases - The 50th Anniversary of Groebner Bases - Osaka, Japan, July 2015
- Anna M. Bigatti: CoCoA and CoCoALib: Groebner bases for everyone (slides) (video) (cocoa5)
- ISSAC 2015 - Bath, UK, July 2015
- John Abbott: What is new in CoCoA5 (slides)
- Computer Algebra course 2014, Genova
- John Abbott: 10 lab sessions
- ICMS 2014 The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software - Seoul
- John Abbott: What's new in CoCoA and CoCoALib (slides) (cocoa5)
Anna M. Bigatti: Integration with LibNormaliz (slides) (cocoa5)
Anna M. Bigatti, Christof Söger: CoCoA tutorial (cocoa5) (normaliz+cocoa5)
- AIME@CZ - Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering, March 2014, Prague
- John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti: CoCoALib: a C++ library from Algebra to Applications (slides) BigattiPrague2014.cocoa5
- EACA school, June 2013, Valladolid
- Anna M. Bigatti: Introduction to CoCoA-5
Emanuela De Negri: Tutorial Koszul
- CoCoA school, June 2013, Osnabrück
- Anna M. Bigatti, Christof Söger, Maria-Laura Torrente: Tutorials